Spilt Milk

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Katie Edwards

There has always been a preoccupation with the body, from youth to motherhood. It will never not be fascinating and deeply important to me, like the canvas, for its potential and its limitations. The images in my work are usually organic forms, visceral at times. Pastels, petals and rich gold always find their way into the paintings, making it seem typically ‘prettier’ than it actually is. Erased, re-worked and often left to seep, there is always a balance being formed. Distortions of perspective and fractions of images all form a visual narrative which connect my pieces to one another. Becoming a mother and being an artist, I embody these themes. My work is intrinsically linked to my physical and psychological self as part of a bigger whole. Born in the West Midlands, studying at Birmingham City University and currently living in South London, my work is deeply connected to the spaces and relationships in which I have lived and evolved.