Martina Hynan
‘Picking up the threads’ Elephant Collective Installation view at Courthouse Gallery, 2016.
Martina Hynan is a maternal artist, curator and birth activist based in Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland. She is a PhD researcher with the Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway and member of The Elephant Collective, birth activist group. Her feminist practice-with-research project explores the entanglements of birth with place.
“I am particularly interested in posthuman and new materialist theorists and what their work brings to reconceptualisations of the maternal. This includes the work of Stacy Alaimo, Jane Bennet, Donna Haraway, Karen Barad and Erin Manning, to name some of thinkers whose work I am currently engaged with. These theorists are helping me consider how birth as a more-than-human event can be reimagined.”