Lauren McLaughlin

Lauren McLaughlin (she/her) is a multidisciplinary artist, curator, activist and the founding director of Spilt Milk Gallery CIC.

‘My practice is rooted in a desire to represent the undervalued and overlooked experiences of mothering, caregiving and gendered work through a feminist lens. Often focusing on subjects which are still considered taboo such as childbirth, reproductive rights and economic inequality, my aim is to spark important conversations around the value structures present in our capitalist society. I work across a range of mediums including collage, photography, sculpture, curatorial and socially engaged projects. I’m drawn to the use of non-traditional materials which can include everything from found paper images, shredded banknotes and hoover dust, through to gold leaf and neon signs. I am also interested in how different mediums can encourage a viewer to interact with the work; a flashing neon sign cannot be ignored yet a subtle paper collage beckons the viewer to step closer and engage in an intimate exchange. Through the subjects I chose to explore, and the materials I work with, my aim is to place value upon that which has been historically undervalued in art and society.’

Lauren McLaughlin graduated with BA (Hons) Fine Art from Central Saint Martins in 2012, and MA Applied Arts & Social Practice from Queen Margaret University Edinburgh in 2021. Lauren’s work has been exhibited throughout the UK and Europe including at the Royal Scottish Academy Edinburgh, The Whitworth Manchester, Lights of Soho London and Palazzo Albrizi Venice. Her work is also held in permanent public collections and has been featured in several publications over the past few years including Milked Mag, Cults of Life, and Wordpower: Language as Medium. Lauren’s work ‘A Conflict of Interests’ was the recipient of the 2018 Birth Rites Collection Award and her ongoing practice-research project; ‘Making Something From Nothing’, was shortlisted for the John Byrne Award in August 2021.


Lisa Evans


Laura J Fooks