Spilt Milk

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Sally Broadbent

Sally Broadbent was born in North-West England in 1981. She gained a BA (hons) in Art History from the University of Leicester before going on to complete a PGCE in Secondary Art and Design from Manchester Metropolitan University. She then taught textiles and art and design at a specialist arts college in Huddersfield for 14 years before leaving to study for an MA in Creative Practice (Fine Art) at Bolton University where she is currently completing practice-based research. Sally’s experience as a teacher and workshop leader gave her the confidence to teach private life drawing classes and art workshops to children and adults, which were very well received within the local community. This is an area she is keen to recommence once her studies have finished. Sally has a deep interest in our ‘inner-world’ as well as myth, folklore and storytelling. She is currently researching nature symbolism within her own work and the work of others. She is focusing on using parody to re-tell stories from myth, folklore and poetry whilst imbuing them with meaning based around current issues. She has a particular interest in sharing stories of strong women and motherhood. Sally is inspired by the artists Henri Matisse and Marc Chagall. The use of Matisse’s cut-outs and colour, as well as Chagall’s dream-like symbolism inspire her work. Other inspirations come from Robert Rauschenberg’s use of alternative photographic processes in the 1960s, as well as other artists of that time experimenting with photograms. Sally’s driving force to create comes from a desire to share stories. She finds peace in sharing her dream-like and ethereal scenes, whilst reflecting on current issues facing women in the world today. Sally aims to exhibit more of her work in larger exhibitions to add to her experience showing in local group exhibitions. She is also working on increasing her contribution to journals, an area she has recently been successful in with inclusion in several journals, both online and in print. Sally is a solo-parent and works part-time as a fashion buyer for a national streetwear retailer. Part of her job entails over-seeing the creation of t-shirt design alongside other artists. She is a member of Valley Artists’ Studios who are based in Rossendale, Lancashire.