Call for exhibition submissions

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For this year’s virtual members exhibition we are looking for submissions responding to one or more of the following words:




Spilt Milk members can submit one work to be considered for the exhibition which will be live on our website from Thursday 25th November until December 31st. The exhibition will be accompanied by a programme of online events (details tbc). 

Works in all mediums suitable for digital presentation will be considered, including proposals for live performances to be hosted on zoom in the first week of December (final date tbc).

Spilt Milk membership is open to any artist who identifies as a mother living anywhere in the world. More information and how to sign up can be found here

How to submit:

  1. Download and complete the submission form.

  2. Attach your completed form along with up to 3 jpeg images of one work and email them to

  3. Complete the equalities monitoring form here.

Submission deadline: Monday 25th October (by the end of the day).

Jpeg images should be no larger than 2mb and the file saved as your full name and title of work i.e. Jane_Bloggs_Untitled1

Video submissions (up to a maximum 5 mins long) should be submitted as links to vimeo or youtube. Please include any passwords needed to view the video. 

All submissions will be reviewed by the Spilt Milk exhibitions committee and we will aim to get back to you with a decision by November 5th.

This year’s committee members are Beckie Upton, Charmaine Beneyto, Jenny Mason, Kara Thorndike, Lauren McLaughlin, Lynsey Watson, Michelle Gallagher & Rebecca Livesey-Wright.

If you have any questions or need help with the submission format please get in touch


On Being Mother-Artist


Meet the micro-grant winners