Elaine Woo MacGregor


Pastel on Pastelmat, 38.5 x 33cm.


Courtesy of Cynthia Corbett Gallery

Portraits of my daughters explores bi-racial identity, rites of passage and ambivalences of childhood dreams and fear. My children are often the protagonists in my work, I am bringing forth an intimate and close understanding of my muses and models, as well as adding another layer to the portrait that is less tangible. An edginess, that is beguiling or dream-like - taking the viewer beyond a likeness portrait. There is an other-worldly quality that comes to the surface, all is not what it seems, and most crucially conveying a personal feeling to the subjects.

Blue Green Daydream, Edinburgh Zoo

Pastels on Pastelmat, 41 x 31cm.


Courtesy of Cynthia Corbett Gallery


Elaine Burke


Elīna Eihmane